Friday, July 11, 2008

Emil 2.0

I know I recently posted a "nerd" entry, but I couldn't help going there again...

My good friend Emiliano decided to do me a favor and make my "The Dark Knight" obsession look like a Congressional Medal of Honor today. Emil's inadvertent affirmation of my comparative coolness began at 8 a.m. the very back of Sacramento's Arden Fair Mall. A little past noon, my redemption was only half complete.

blog note:

virginity-(Aubreyspeak)-vir·gin·i·ty: A social state of being lending itself to an existence devoid of sexual activity despite any earlier engagement in coitus.

See Emil

See Emil maintaining

See Emil maintaining virginity

See Emil maintaining virginity with 700 more

See Emil maintaining virginity with 700 more Apple addicts

See Emil maintaining virginity with 700 more Apple addicts for seven hours

See Emil maintaining virginity with 700 more Apple addicts for seven hours while sipping on a liter of cola

See Emil maintaining virginity with 700 more Apple addicts for seven hours while sipping on a liter of cola and munching a buttered pretzel

See Emil maintaining virginity with 700 more Apple addicts for seven hours while sipping on a liter of cola and munching a buttered pretzel... waiting for iPhone 2.0.

It's OK, Emil. I'll be right there with you next weekend; waiting for hours in a ridiculous line and looking dopey-faced ecstatic to be in it.


Heather said...

I just can't make myself do it. I wanted to go see Dark Knight when it opens, but I know it will be such a mob scene. I am going to make myself wait a week at least, maybe two.

Aub said...

I know what you mean. It's gonna be a loooooong wait in line. Can't help myself though.

Anonymous said...

Emil looks SO adorable in this pic. I'm becoming a sucker for nerds as I age.